Jonathan Finley,in France, has warned Travis of my video envy, and has scolded me for mentioning Highway Video without linking to them [a mortal sin for bloggers].
Thanks Johnathon, here is the >> L I N K <<< to them, and I am not really going to pull the plug on him. In fact, I am so busy with stuff here in Austin that I was hoping Travis could take lead and I could just be there as back up for him if he needs a coffee break. The ranch were we are having Friday's event is really cool. About 20 of us were there yesterday to set up this old Baptist Revival Tent on the ranch. There are shotgun casings all over the place - they shoot those plastic round things (whattya call them?) so I collected a few of them and will use them as graphics for my piece.We also made a bonfire by towing a bunch of old dead trees behind a truck and onto a huge pile. There was talk of a repentance time and people burning some of their theology books, but I think the symbolism will have more to do with SPARKING SOME LIFE into the young people and get them to stop beefing themselves and their churches up with more padding but instead go back to the cross, die to self, live for Christ and give themselves away for the Good Story.

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