Today I am in the Senate. Dont mean to brag. Not really a big deal. Just going to the Senate . . the Czech Senate in Prague . . .where the 80 Senators work . . .so Sasha and I are going to the Senate (did I tell you this already???) and we will be hanging out with the Senators . . doing some kind of Senatational stuff . . . I will be in my posh thrift store sports coat and might even wear a tie. I will be accompanying Sasha Fleck, who actually is the real reason we are meeting with the Senators. You see, Sasha (real name Alexander Flek), who is creating the new Bible translation out of our studio, has completed his Czech translation of the Books of Moses (pictured). Today is the release party. We will be handing out 80 copies - one to each Senator. There will be much pomp and poo-haa and whoop-de-do. Instead of baptising this book (last year I did the official honor of baptising the Song of Solomon at our release party in Club Batalion) an official looking person is going to . . . ah . . how shall I say ... circumcize it - They will take their ceremonial knife and slice away the front section of the box of books, leaving exposed the "Knihy Mojzisovy", or Books of Moses, beautifully bound in copper and blue.
You can pray for us that God will give favor to what He wants to do in this city where most people do not even know anyone who follows Jesus.
So excuse me while I get dressed up. Oh .. . did I tell you where I was going?

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