sion bubbles

Here is Derek and Amy's account of last weeks party in Switzerland on their Sion Bubbles blog.
"House party in Lausanne extravagant! The mansion-the Mercy Ship Y-Wam base- surrounded by vast fields of whispering cow bells...Bryce had filmed the front of the house and was projecting it onto the house at the same angle he filmed it, creating an eerie virtual effect which you walked through and into. Into a house with many bands, VJs and DJs doing their thing in an electrically alive manner, and all the while the Presence of The ALmighty hovering. Truly a blast-and we all felt like stars! Seeing Andrew's house in Prague being sampled from, and our lives being mixed as part of the international celebration of being Christ followers transnational, transdenominational, transcendant-in short, it rocked! Isn't it just good to line up in this great and funky army of The Almighty! " Derek and Amy Chapman.

Here is a description of the party by one of the security guards.
"walking down the leave covered path, lined with trees that are trying desperately to hold onto their leaves, despite the efforts of the wind to scatter them all over the world, we see ghost-like images in the near distance. bright light illuminates the front of Maison de Rovereaz as strange images walk from inside the house across the porch with what....paintings...and someone is on the roof opening and closing the shutters! as i enter the main door of this Maison, random images are mixed with light projected onto a canvas and there are large black curtains enticing me to enter the hallway they provide a veil for...and so i do, and to my surprise i see photographs of an era of images each placed on the wall to be admired and critiqued. at the end of the hallway another large black curtain brings closure to this experience and sounds beckon me to begin a new journey. beyond the veil is a large room with smells of Mediterranean spices, sounds of laughter mixed with foreign tongues and eclectic musical interest are catered to. there is a large screen projecting the exact activity in the neighboring room. the clarity and effects of this image are altered electronically to breath a new creation on the screen. psalms and passages of the songs of Solomon are read aloud from the Message in between the mosaic of musical styles. in the corner is a small canvas and pens to collect original creations on a canvas representing the diversity yet unity found in the room. one can wander into yet another small room to find three televisions portraying short films with various themes but all representing different artistic styles within this medium. as the night progresses i find myself making my way down into the "cave".
guided by candles and reflections from various colors i find the Mecca of the musical representation as an amazingly talent DJ mixes various electronic music vinyl and creates an aura of excitement. heart pounding, feet stomping, eyes capturing, ears following, and mind swimming i escape into a world of inspiration. conversations about the lives of a few certain individuals pursuit of God are replayed in mind and like the DJ mixes various records i am mixes various histories in the making. i am mixing mine, yours, there's, and Gods to see a beautiful sea of ideas garnished with potential and inhabited with living things. the sea is able to be enjoyed by all its curious sailors and those who embrace it add to its beauty. without a doubt it is far from whatever any individual could imagine for the benefit of all involved. only God can be entrusted with creation on his own. for us mortals even the most original, unique creation comes from a wealth of influences. and the escape continues far into the night and even as my hands and feet move with a motivation to re-create the Maison to its previous decor and find my way the place i am calling home for the time being. as a collector of moments i can look and value last night for what it's worth. but as a spiritual being who inhabits a breathing God, i woke up with a sense that i felt that breath a little bit stronger last night and i am curious just how much of a "real" world i was guided into." Chris (security guard)

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