In my Budapest Album, (a presentation I gave in Budapest earlier this year ) I mentioned the "Revenge of the Kitchen." Now I hear stories that the revenge is popping up everywhere. Two fine examples:

1. Fellowship Bread, Australia and South Africa (and probably other countries). Fellowship Bread is baked in household kitchens using the same recipe worldwide. People, mostly women, bake it, hang out, and then break it and celebrate communion together around the table.
Maggie and Cindy Blick (who just left our house yesterday) say their mum bakes the Fellowship Bread every Friday. This is "church" for many of the 20+ people that come each week. Is that yeast I smell or is it massive potential for new churches everywhere?

2. Kitchen Table Training, Russia. According to an email sent out this morning to really really really special people, like myself, by the good people at The Alliance For Saturation Church Planting, this is a simple and reproducible way to pass on teaching about church planting.
A snippet from the email:
" A lot of what happens in kitchen table training is the men teaching each other. . . . Successes and failures in ministry are shared, and the experiences of one person are learned from and thought through by the rest of the people in the group. "
There you have it - one for the LADIES and one for the MEN!

I am getting requests for the Fellowship Bread Recipe. I cant find it but Maggie, who is pilgrimaging somewhere between Slovakia and Croatia, will be back in a few weeks and she has the recipe. Does someone else have it?????
Perhaps someone could send me the recipe and also a story of your experience with Fellowship Bread. Have you started a church this way?

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