My Muslim friends are starting Ramadan today. Reminds me of when we had a number of Muslims living with us in Portland Oregon. One of them only ate Halal meat (think 'Kosher' for Muslim), which we had to get from a special Halal butcher. The Yemenese needed to be fed in the night instead of the day. And they really celebrated in the evenings after sunset. It was a big change of habit for our family and those living with us, but it wasnt too bad - and we wanted to respect their traditions. In fact, I have Christian friends living in Muslim countries who insist of fasting during the month of Ramadan, as an act of worship to Allah, through their Savior and Friend, Jesus Christ, God's Son.
Pray for the Muslim world this month. Many Muslims have intense spiritual encounters, especially dreams, during this month. Many times Jesus comes to them in their sleep and speaks to them. Once this happened to everyone in the same village in the same night - according to a friend of mine who is a missionary with SBC.

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