The Underground Railroad

The Underground Railroad has their new web site. I have been connected to them for more than 5 years - they are the premiere network of alternative/industrial ministries in the world. Well done, guys.
Web site is kinda heavy and slow to download - in fact, i am still waiting for it, . . .typing this up as i wait. Flash can be awfully heavy for those of us without broadband . . . . ah . . here it comes now . . ooooh - these guys like black - that's Trevor McPherson for you . . . .lets see if I am mentioned on the site . . . . Steve M gives the intro - great - Steve rocks - his goth poetry is all over the world and he is a dear friend - i always stop in to see him when i go thru phoenix. Dave Hart is mentioned - cool - he is the man for goth ministry - he lives in san diego - i met him 6 years ago.
here i am - under WRITINGS - a direct link to my blog - i love it - there i am . . .oooh i am sooo VAIN, it gives me so much pleasure to see myself linked up to these sites. Why is that?
Is it my desire to stay connected to the body of Christ? Yes.
Is it my overinflated EGO that has a mirror-like relationship with the web? Yep, 'fraid so. Pray for me. Death to self. Death to Tall Skinny Kiwi. Alive to Christ. In the words of George Whitefield . .
"May the [tag of Tall Skinny Kiwi] perish,
but Christ be glorified."

Still, i hafta admit, its kinda cool to be linked on the site.
As you can see, I am chillin' today, being relational. i just sent off 24 emails and am going to spend time with my family. And the 4 Swiss young people that just turned up and will be here for 3 days.
Be blessed today!

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