I am zooming off to England, to a great conference facility called Rydal Hall. The conference there is sponsored by the European Church Growth Association. I am speaking on "Worship and Spirituality" and what it looks like in the emerging culture. I have also been asked to lead the people (mainly mission leaders/denominational type people) in a "postmodern worship experience" called A Tree by The River. I usually teach this as a movement, but this time I may do a kind of imagination journey using video and sound. Pray for me. I would really just like to give them a compelling encounter with God, tapping into some of the new media and new ways of understanding the current creativity. And
I would like them to see how it fits into the wider picture of what God is doing in Europe today.
So pray for me? Will ya? Thanks. These are the guys who will make a way for the next generation, and they REALLY NEED TO GET IT.

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