LeadershipJournal.net - Pomo Ponderings

Pomo Ponderings is Kevin Miller's latest thoughts on the pomo conversation. He is writing in a more informal, almost Blog-like manner. I feel that not only should we consider his excellent questions, but that someone should get him set up with a real blog site and let him go for it.
My favorite Kevin question is number 2:
2. The Emergent Convention and this e-mail both exist because they assume the shift from modernity to postmodernity is important for the church. My question is, How important? In the overall development of Christianity—if we were to do what moderns love to do and make a list—where should we place that shift? Is it, say, more or less important than the shift from Northern Christianity to Southern Christianity, which Philip Jenkins has documented in The Next Christendom? (Briefly, using Terry Mattingly's words: "by 2050, there will be 3 billion Christians in the world and only 1 in 5 will be a 'non-Latino white' . . . [and] the heart of Christendom will be Africa, not Europe or North America"?) Is it more or less important than the shift from a Physical World to an Imaginational World, described by Melinda Davis in The New Culture of Desire?"
Read the rest of the article and see Kevin make Leadership Journal history by being the first contributor to mention "House Church" and "Organic Church" in the online version.

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