Scott: Andrew, What was it or how was it that you realized that you were called into full time missions and ministry?
I know the Lord has been putting a burden on my heart but I'm just not sure on how to prepare and what to prepare for.

Me: Hi Scott. i have tried to sneak out a few times and God has given us a hard time. If i could do anything else and be satisfied, i would probably be doing it now. but this is really all i can do - i am driven and consumed to play out this story that God has given me.
We have always tried to be content where we were and to be faithful in fulfilling the small things that God gave us. I would encourage you to do the same. God will gently force you into other things in his own time - dont run ahead - God is not in a hurry. He will make a way. Just stay available and prepare for what he might have for you.

Some advice that got me moving was from J. Oswald Sanders who told our class at West Australian Bible College that we should be "willing to stay but preparing to go".
Dont get bogged down in debt. That will stop you going when God tells you. Live light. Work hard to stay free - free to move, free to serve. Get as much training as you can but if it costs more than you have, be careful that you dont end up owing money and looking for someone to pay it off.
Keep me posted.

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