JOAN: Hey Andrew, I would love to know if you have gotten any of my emails. Any how............. Im curious to know what kind of teaching you are hoping to bring to the church planters in Holland when you go. don't know if you recall from previous emails, but we are also coaching house church planters here in the US and hoping to Immerse interns wanting to go [overseas] ... I am wondering if this may be a new model or spring board that God wants to use to train ministers to do global pilgrimage and "gospel bearing". I'd love your input.

ME: Hey Joan, your email to my phone did reach me when i was in Budapest. In fact, it was one of the only phone emails i ever received - so historic, in fact, that I mentioned it in a blog a few days ago. That email is now famous!
I responded to it, really I did, but I guess it did not work.

What will I do in Holland this weekend? I cant share too much, since many of them read my blog and I dont want to give away anything. But here is the main stuff.

2 Timothy is the book.
In particular when Paul tells Timothy to hold on to the PATTERN (HUPOS) of sound teaching.
I want to pass on:

1. The Story - i will tell it from Creation to Christ and then through church/missions history through the centuries and to the present. All linked up, politically-historically-spiritually.
I will be asking them to learn and tell the story of Creation through to the Resurrection, all the way through, linking all the main players, places and God's redemptive drama as it unfolds, to each other and to do so in about 40 minutes.

2. A Pattern for Discipleship
I use the Tree By The River, which I have taught in many countries.

3. A Pattern for Apostolic Ministry, taken partially from Thom Wolf and Paul's advice to Timothy. After encouraging prayer, Paul says . . . "Of this gospel, i was appointed a Herald, and an Apostle, and a Teacher"
I call it P H A T ministry, (even though I hate using letters like that)
P - Prayer - we change the spiritual atmosphere through prayer
H - Herald - we explain what God is doing (telling stories, evangelism) so that people can enter the Kingdom
A - Apostle - we add structure (throwing parties) to support the new community.
T - Teacher - we pass on what we know so that faithful people can do the same.

4. An experience in the Word of God that allows God to speak prophetically into the culture. We will probably do an interactive Bible study (like the one we did a few days ago) but weave it with Dutch magazines and colors and so on.

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