A Churchless Faith by Alan Jamieson is being reviewed on The Ooze and getting good response. Alan sent me his book way back in 2001 (yes, you read it first here on this blog) for me to take a gander. I thought the topic of "Post-Congregational Christians" and "Leaver-sensitive Churches" was too important to ignore. Last year I was invited by WCC to a meeting in Germany where the topic was "Believing Without Belonging". I couldn't make it (we had Inspiration Bohemia in Prague the same week) but I suggested they invite Alan Jamieson from New Zealand. Which they did. And he went. And that was that. That was what?? Shut up Andrew!
Hey Alan, from one Tall Skinny Kiwi to another, WRITE A FOLLOW UP to your excellent book and this time draw the graphics without eating chedder at the same time!