Beliefnet just filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. I remember when they were starting up - one of the key people (Deborah Caldwell) asked me to write regularly for them and I was really honored. I never did write for them but I appreciated the open invitation to do so. They had a lot of influence and credibility with the secular world. They were more inclusive than the evangelicals would have liked - including witchcraft and new age spiritualities as part of the family. They made a good go of it. I feel a sense of loss. I have a lot of respect for Deborah Caldwell. She wrote an excellent article on me for the Dallas Morning News called "Postmodern Apostle". It was very affirming of the new structures that God was raising up and of the alternative young people that God was calling into leadership.
God, would You bless Deborah and lead her into something new and fulfilling, where she can fulfull the purposes that You have designed for her. Amen.

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