We visited Wolfgang Simson and his family yesterday. He is a good man and has written a book called Houses That Change The World, which you can download before you buy it - probably the premier book on house churches over the last year. He dropped into Prague a year ago to tell me about a training program he was developing called Luke 10. They have had some trial runs in USA and Europe and things are looking good.
Guess what. He is going to India with his family (his wife is Indian, daughter of the guy that has a great web site that discusses Hinduism and the gospel called Agni Ministries) for three weeks and he doesnt need his van. He lent it to us for a month . . . .which means . . . . we have a way to get to Freakstock with all our stuff!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you God.
And thank you Wolf Simson. He also offered me his Opel sports rocket which does 260 Kms on the autobahn. Dang that was tempting. A black, sleak, low profile, BMW-butt-kicking Autobahn Mucher. I would get there much faster than his Mitsubishi van, I was thinking. And the kids could always find their own way to Freakstock - the trains are efficient, not too many changeovers, they would make it, they are strong - (Get thee behind me Satan . . . and give me a push!)
But no! Reason won out and we drove away last night with his van, all of us, including the kids, and I left his rocket there at the house for another day.
This gives us a month to find a van.

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