INSPIRATION BOHEMIA - Here's the scoop.
We are hosting a number of events in Prague during last week of June, 2002. There will be a series of events for those interested in ministry among the global emerging culture under the name "Inspiration Bohemia" These will include the Epicentrum Arts Installation (26th), Ministry Roundtable (25th) and Learning Journey called "The Practise of the Church in a Post . . .World."

June 24th to 30th. Prague, Czech Republic. Our teaching conference at "The Castle", International Baptist Theological Seminary. This learning journey, led by Parush ParusIev and myself, is held in conjunction with Emergent, The Boaz Project, DAWN and IBTS. Topics of discussion will involve the challenge of ministry in our present context which is being described as post-modern, post-Western, post-communist, post-Christian, etc. And of course you can bring your own "post" with you and add it to the discussion. Teachers who will stimulate some of the discussion will include 3 teachers from the West (Brian MacLaren-USA, Doug Pagitt-USA, Andrew Kirk-UK ) and 3 from the "East" (Mirolslav Patalos-Poland, Nicolai Nedelschev, Donatas Glodenes-Lithuania).

Unforturnately, we have only 14 spaces left. We want to keep the group small enough to enable valuable discussion. When these 14 places are gone, there will be a limited number of people allowed to attend and participate but they will have to find their own accomodation and meals.
Registration of US$280 includes 7 days and nights at The Castle (which functioned at one time as the Nazi headquarters) as well as most meals, registration, historical tour of Prague. More info about The Castle is at
If you are interested in registering for this conference, you can request an application form from Jess Stricker.

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