Its snowing this morning in Central Europe - everything is white. I woke up to get some more fan mail. This one just came in from someone named Wanda.
"Dear Andrew,
I recently read your article that was submitted to the Vineyard USA website. I don't approve of these forms of worship and I would like to know why you think it is necessary for us to bring the world and it's art into the Holy Sacred Ground of God?
Were we not instructed to be in this world but to not be a part of it? And why would we want to incorporate pagan rituals in the church as part of our worship? What do you think God thinks? Do you remember anything from the Bible that warns us with examples of what happenes when we wbecome like the world? I would really like to know if this is were the pure worship has gone, to the dogs?
Wanda "
Nice lady - appreciate the honesty. I am going to ask her about the art she uses at her church and see if it is more Biblical that the candles and incense that some young people are using, having taken the ideas from Old Testament worship patterns. We will see if she budges.

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