I got some fan mail from Derek. He wants me to read it to "my whole flock" so here it is:
"Please read this outloud to your entire flock and act it out. I love you all as an elephant loves peanuts, as a cheetah loves to run, as a deer loves to pant, as a fox loves to be foxy, as a grape loves to be eaten, as an ice cream truck loves to ring its bell, as an apostle likes to tell everyone what to do, as a prophet likes to wander into outer space and bring back confusing nuggets for the townsfolk, as preachers like to have affairs-I mean preach, as television like to numb, as coffee likes to excite the mind, as churches like to judge-i mean love people, as beautiful women like to be with me (oh well, a few at least), as Andrew loves Derek-as Peter loves john as David's harp loved wind-as-oh well, I just plain love ya'll.
Over and out-derkschviskineva "

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