Happy Birthday to Brian McLaren. A few years ago Brian joined us at a Young Leaders retreat. He was a little older than us, and a whole lot balder, but we all really liked him. Not just because he was smarter than us. And better looking. But because he was nicer than us. And we needed someone with a good attitude. As it turned out, Brian became somewhat of a spokesperson for the group which later became Emergent.

Brian is a bridge person and is able to communicate change without offence. And we just really like him. His latest book "A New Kind Of Christian" is supposed to be great book. I havent read it personally because normally my friends give me a copy of their book rather than make me go out and buy it (Brian must have given out his 50 free copies before I could get to him) and also because I have an aversion to Christian Bookstores - If I cant find my book within 3 minutes then the "Footprints" picture on the wall starts getting to me, and the posters, and the "Who Wants Jack Daniels?" bracelets, and the names of all the books, like "How To Have a Happy And Special Life", and I start to have a sensation of being drowned in a vat of chedder - know the feeling?
Sorry. Getting sarcastic again - But Brian never gets sarcastic - he stays nice all the time. Happy Birthday Brian. See you in St Loius.

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