Prague. Club Battalion. Last night was really incredible. I am a part of this new network of organic churches that started a few months ago in Prague, Czech Republic. The movement is called Ta Cestra which means "The Way". People meet in homes for parties and events, including our home for Pizza and Movie nights on Fridays. But once a month we meet at Club Battalion for art, music, poetry, etc. Last night was a book release party. One of the guys, Sasha, works for the Bible Society as a translator. Sasha released a new edition of Song of Songs, with art and soft colors of pink and red. So the evening at the club had a reading of the book with candles, live music, belly dancing, and slideshow. And my part was baptising the book, which I did with white wine, splashing it on the cover, more like a christening, I suppose. I gave a few words about wine and Song of Songs, both of which are about the delicate balance of the celebration of life and the right timing which gives the context for the celebration.
Overall, a really nice evening, the kind of church meeting I could easily get used to.

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