Sunday and we be chillin!. Erica and Shannon are here from Texas, as are Robbie and sister Amy from Ohio. We are getting haircuts and talking about the week that was Inspiration Bohemia.
Monday - International Go-cart race. Kiwi Mark Pierson was the best driver, having been trained by his father who introduced go-cart racing to New Zealand. About 30 of us raced and it was a great way to meet each other are human beings rather than ministers and missionaries. (not that they are not real people also)
Tuesday - Roundtable. 45 people - we all introduced ourselves and spoke about the mnistries we were involved in. Great meal, thanks to DAWN ministries and New Town Brewery of Prague.
Wednesday - Epicentrum. Wild worship night that kicked off with a procession and wedding and ran until 2 am with worship in various rooms and environments. Thanks to DJ Sova from Poland and Fuse Factory from Switzerland.
Thursday - Prayer walk around Prague
Of course there was teaching each day at the Seminary. Favourite teachers included Brian McLaren, Mark Pierson, and some others from Eastern Europe. Westerners felt it was a little too institutional and Easterners felt quite at home in such a setting. In fact some of them didnt dare leave it to attend the evening events. Baby steps, Bob, baby steps. It was good for the cultures to meet somewhere in the middle.
SO we are relaxing and celebrating and getting ready to go to Karlovy Vary for some chill time.
Monday - International Go-cart race. Kiwi Mark Pierson was the best driver, having been trained by his father who introduced go-cart racing to New Zealand. About 30 of us raced and it was a great way to meet each other are human beings rather than ministers and missionaries. (not that they are not real people also)

Tuesday - Roundtable. 45 people - we all introduced ourselves and spoke about the mnistries we were involved in. Great meal, thanks to DAWN ministries and New Town Brewery of Prague.
Wednesday - Epicentrum. Wild worship night that kicked off with a procession and wedding and ran until 2 am with worship in various rooms and environments. Thanks to DJ Sova from Poland and Fuse Factory from Switzerland.
Thursday - Prayer walk around Prague
Of course there was teaching each day at the Seminary. Favourite teachers included Brian McLaren, Mark Pierson, and some others from Eastern Europe. Westerners felt it was a little too institutional and Easterners felt quite at home in such a setting. In fact some of them didnt dare leave it to attend the evening events. Baby steps, Bob, baby steps. It was good for the cultures to meet somewhere in the middle.
SO we are relaxing and celebrating and getting ready to go to Karlovy Vary for some chill time.