Derek and Amy are still going through with it - the wedding next week, that is. They are trying to contact their parents to let them know. The readers of this blog do not think it is as crazy as I do. Por exemplo:

Yesterday, From Rebecca
"I'm sure you get tons of email, but here's one more.
Your tallskinnykiwi is a breath of fresh air here in the Bible Belt, though we will soon be relocating to Montana.

Ten months ago my husband and I did something like what Derek and Amy are planning. We gathered with 250 of our church and genetic families in a big rock barn at sunset. A local band led in worship, people ate and drank, we got married, and God showed up. We weren't just celebrating our new lives together; we were celebrating the love of our families, of our friends, of God, and the incredible oneness he granted us. All of that was to say, I think Derek and Amy have exactly the right idea."

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