I was thinking today about new things and old things. I wrote this.
Jesus is not infatuated with new wine. He is loves vintage wine, mature wine. Wine that has sat under time, ripened, grown, perfected under the conditions. Mature wine is acheived only permitting the new container and preserving the old one. Let the old wineskins be preserved. Squirt fresh wine into them and they will explode. Spill. Jesus doesnt like spillage. Jesus likes mature wine. In the old wineskins. In the new wineskins. Whatever. Whatever keeps it. Contains it. Preserves it. Gives it room to move and expand. Grow into what it is destined to be but at the same time securing it from disease. Freedom and safety. Creativity and security. Bubbly and still. The heights of exploding taste and the depths of softened character. Flavor and body. Cherries and oak. Cheekiness and gracefulness. The vigor of youth and the wisdom of age. Both, says Jesus. Both.

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