What do the Prophets say about the floods? This is just in from Derek Chapman.
. a "real quick assessment sketch of these floods in central and eastern europe.
At least in Prague, it seems like an act of mercy in gently cleansing sections of the city-one section at a time. I was somewhat angrily interceeding like this: "God, why these people who have been steped on so many times-why do they have to deal with natural disasters now. Of course they are used to being suddenly and unexpectedly crushed, and know how to buckle up under it, but it seems unfair to once again be bullied..." Like that, then I heard Him say, "This is Mercy." Like it was a gentle way to wash off the grunge collected over time-to make a clearing so the people could feel Him and His Kingdom again.
I saw the Charles bridge being battled over one section at a time. This battle was ongoing between angels and demons, and was not done yet. It was as if while the metronome up on the hill-symbol of remaining oppression stood still-which it was-God was battling to cleanse the central symbol of the city; so that when foot traffic returns people can actually encounter Him on it, and His Holy Spirit, rather than the darkness clinging to each statue.
There was an opening up above which usually cannot penetrate into the city through the dark-hued fog in that section, but He was going in battling for cleansing, so that the people can make easier contact with Him.
There was no chaos or violence as with other large symbolic events I have witnessed such as New York; but rather a very gentle brushing of His Hand-not His Arm exposed, but The Wind Brush of His Cleansing over the city...
Like He has such a getle heart attitude towards the Check people that He just wants to clease this city and gather what is His into His Bosom.
Not so much judgment as Mercy!"
Derek is on our team in Prague and was the guy that God told to go to New York on Sep 10, 2001. He flew in the morning of the 11th and spent the next few weeks hearing from God and ministering to people. He came back to Prague at the peak of the flood with his wife Amy.

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